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Lisk Blockchain Review (8.71/10⭐)

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Lisk is an impressive blockchain that is accessible by creating a world that benefits from the technology. Lisk uses Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS). It means that every holder can vote for delegates. These votes allow certain delegates to add blocks to the Lisk network.

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Lisk is known for its open-source powered by LSK tokens that allow developers to write decentralized applications in the JavaScript programming language. It gives developers the ability to build applications on their side-chain. The side-chain is linked to the network with their custom token. Lisk's approach aims to solve the scalability issue that many cryptocurrencies experience. They offer a Software Development Kit (SDK) that enables developers to create their decentralized applications (DApps). Lisk network uses JavaScript. It is most suitable as it is an easy programming language that most developers understand. Also, the network is not affected by other DApps on the network.


Briefly about Lisk

Max Kordek and Oliver Beddows founded the Lisk blockchain. The cryptocurrency aims to serve as a platform for decentralized applications. It is used by developers and provides the resources they need to develop DApps. Its utility token is known as LSK. LSK is used to pay for transaction fees on the platform.

Lisk can be a gateway into blockchain, especially for app creators.CryptoLists.com

Lisk blockchain represents an open-source project that lets developers create decentralized applications in JavaScript. The platform gives developers the ability of building applications through their side chain and links them to the network through custom-owned tokens. Lisk use of the DPoS algorithm is the first in the development of the crypto-exchange platforms. Also, it utilizes side chains for all DApps developed on the platform. This ensures that the network will not be slow. The network is credible as side chains will not affect the main chain. The side chains are independent of the main chain.


Utility of Lisk?

Application developers use blockchains to create applications. The developers use it since it has easy access to JavaScript and its programming system is resourceful and aligned with simplicity. The developers gain insights into making their applications and transact with LSK tokens. Developers can deploy their Sidechain connected to the network's main chain. The applications make the ecosystem rich, and anyone can interact with the platform.


Lisk Consensus Method: Delegated Proof of Stake
Release Date: May 24, 2016
Resources & Social media
Website: https://lisk.com
🔗Blockchain URL: https://liskscan.com

Advantages at Lisk

+ Flexible side chains, making scalability easier.
+ List blockchain has a very user-friendly interface.
+ The DPOS speeds up transactions.
+ It is possible to build & deploy blockchain apps in JavaScript.


- Lisk blockchain is a direct competitor with Ethereum, but way smaller.
- People view it as a copycat version of Ethereum.
- It is overloaded due to many bad transactions causing bloating.
- Many users do not trust the platform, hence it can damage their brand.


▪ Rated at 9/10

The new fee system for Lisk protocol needs to spend a minimum amount of LSK tokens as fees. It makes the protocol: minFeePerByte = 0.00001 LSK/byte. The fees include 0.1 LSK for outgoing transactions and a second passphrase at 5 LSK. Additionally, the transaction fee on delegate registration is 25 LSK. For the voting, there is a charge of 1LSK per voting round. Notably, voters can make 33 votes per voting round. The multi-sign charges 5 LSK per member. To conclude, the research team is working on a better fee system that will result in considerably lower fees.


Reputation and Buzz

▪ Reputation rated at 7/10
▪ Buzz rated at 9/10

Online forums give the platform a good reputation as developers find it user-friendly with easy programming software.

People discuss that the developing SDK could bring complications to the platform as it makes the blocks slower. This increases the duration of confirming transactions. The SDK is yet to be released as tests are ongoing on it. It brings questions to the credibility of the platform. The uncertainty of the launch makes people skeptical and states that one should just invest at their own risk.



What is the utility of Lisk blockchain?

Application developers use blockchains to create applications. The developers use it since it has easy access to JavaScript and its programming system is resourceful and aligned with simplicity. The developers gain insights into making their applications and transact with LSK tokens. Developers can deploy their Sidechain connected to the network's main chain. The applications make the ecosystem rich, and anyone can interact with the platform.

Is Lisk network proof of stake?

It uses Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS). This means that every holder can vote for delegates, and depending on these votes, specific delegates are allowed to add blocks to the platform in a specific order.

Will Lisk Blockchain overtake Ethereum?

The future is uncertain, especially with the development of the SDK. If the software works effectively and fast, there is the potential for the platform to overtake Ethereum, but it's not very likely.

What are the features of the platform?

The features on the platform include the following:
+An open-source
+An external security audit
+A next-generation crypto-currency
+A decentralized application platform.

What is the Lisk Protocol?

The protocol is the rules that define the blockchain created with its SDK. It defines an account-based platform with a set of default transactions used to modify the accounts state. The account state and transaction logic is structured into modules. The module defines the set of transactions that act on the whole account state.

Notably, the SDK contains four default modules. These include:
Every account property, except the address, belongs to one of these four modules. Also, every transaction constitutes one of the modules. The documentation structure indicates that the protocol has different sections. These include:

+Accounts that explain the properties of accounts.
+Transactions that outline the present default transactions.
+Blocks that describe different properties and how new blocks are created.
+A consensus algorithm that illustrates how eligible delegates are chosen and how they reach agreements on new blocks. The eligible delegates are responsible for creating blocks.
+The network that describes the P2P used to exchange information such as blocks and transactions between nodes.
+The appendix that adds relative information to the protocol.

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